$ \mathcal{Kishan \,S \,Patel} $
My obsidian vault I use for everything.
The majority of my vault is public, with the exception of a few folders (namely my Daily Notes and Planner).
If you just want to explore my brain I recommended just perusing namely the '*`Areas`*' folder or the *`Mind Dump`* folder. If you are looking for academic notes, they are all located in the *`Areas`* folder as well. The notes I'm most proud of though are:
- *`Areas/Math`*
- *`Areas/Me Bitching about C++`*
- *`Areas/Computer Science`*
Though, the notes are all in one giant glob within each folder so it may be hard to find things as I typically rely on tags to organize subjects rather than folders. A general rule of thumb, I ***highly*** recommend using the Graph View and Local Graph View to peruse around.